Hint: Choose an individual application, permit, or plat type; or choose to return records for “ALL PUBLIC HEARING APPLICATIONS” or “ALL LAND DEVELOPMENT PERMITS AND PLATS.”
For more details or definitions of application, permit, or plat types, please refer to the
Application Guide for Public Hearings or the
Land Development Guide.
Note that Step Two is optional. If it is left blank, the search will return all records that meet the criteria for just Step One and Three.
Hint: Choose a date range to return search results based upon “Submitted” or “Completed” applications, permits, or plats. A search by “Submitted” will return a list based upon when the application, permit, or plat started the process irrespective of whether or not it has ever completed the process; whereas a search for “Completed” will return a list of those that have finished the process and are no longer under review by the county.
Note that revisions to already approved Land Development Permits and Plats will temporarily remove the record from the “Completed” list until after the revision is complete.
Note that Step Three is optional. If it is left blank, the search will return all records that meet the criteria for just Step One and Two.
Hint: This function has been set up to search a few specific database fields, i.e. project name, project summary, project location, and applicant/owner/developer/surveyor/sign contractor/attorney name.
The search function will look for exact replication of what is typed in; so it may be better to try to enter in a single word or part of a word. All database fields are searched at the same time, so a search for “Atlanta” would return a list from applications, permits, or plats where the word “Atlanta” occurs; whether it is in the Project Name (e.g. Old Atlanta Commons Retail Phase I), Project Summary (e.g. … to construct a 12,154 sq. ft. building for Swim Atlanta …), Project Location (e.g. … located on the west side of Atlanta Highway approximately 300 feet north …), or part of a specific applicant, owner, developer, surveyor, sign contractor, or attorney name (e.g. Atlanta Air Conditioning, Inc.).